Meet The Creator

Hello. I'm Angie Ravenel. A Charleston, SC native, wife, mother of two and in love with all things creative.


Under my many hats (the creator hat), I am a published photographer, graphic artist and an online course creator.


So how did this come in fruition? Why ABLE Wear?

Some of you may know, I became extremely ill a couple of years ago. I was hospitalized for three weeks. I was placed in an induced coma, became sepsis, had double pneumonia and contracted MRSA (while in the hospital). Also, while in the hospital I contracted a new bout of pneumonia on top of the double pneumonia.

Needless to say, that was near death experience. However, I made it through!!! Yess!

A lot has changed since then. Changes has come in way of physical and mental.

I am a different person since that experience for sure. During my recovery I would always say “If I am ABLE I will try”. You see, things looks a lot different when you are not ABLE. Not able to walk, talk, and do the things you once was able to do. Now, I know that side all too well.

While being hospitalized, I said, “if I am ABLE to get out of this hospital I will start checking things off my list because now I know tomorrow is not promised”.

Now that I am checking things off my list I went to back and forth with the name of my well anticipated t-shirt business. I starting writing ideas for a couple of days. During that time I was taking boxes downstairs and per usual my husband asked if I got it. My normal response would always be (since being hospitilized) “If I am ABLE I will try.” That’s when it came to me, to name my new t-shirt business ABLE Wear.

The meaning of this brand hits close to home. Not only do I want this brand to mean something for me but for you as well.

ABLE Wear is a movement of being ABLE to succeed, in way of opportunity, finance and or strength. This wear brand will showcase women, reality, personalities and humor. Thank you!